À bout de souffle/ Breathless (1959, Jean-Luc Godard)
Rating: 4/4 stars, 10/10, 96/100
Rank: #16 (Top Favorites)
Jean-Paul Belmondo keeps on calling Jean Seberg a scumbag throughout this movie. And Jean Seberg takes it until she can’t take anymore. Perfectly brilliant movie. All the elements come together for what is one of the greatest movies of all time.
Rating: 4/4 stars, 10/10, 96/100
Rank: #16 (Top Favorites)
Jean-Paul Belmondo keeps on calling Jean Seberg a scumbag throughout this movie. And Jean Seberg takes it until she can’t take anymore. Perfectly brilliant movie. All the elements come together for what is one of the greatest movies of all time.