I Heart Huckabees (2004, David O. Russell)
Rating: 3.5/4 stars, 8.5/10, 88/100
Rank: #44 (Top Favorites)
Who knew existentialism could be turned into such a riveting film? Well, my favorite acting part is between Isabelle Huppert/Talia Shire. Two great actresses going off on each other. Apparently actress Lily Tomlin went off on David O. Russell during filmmaking (look on Youtube). Too funny.
Rating: 3.5/4 stars, 8.5/10, 88/100
Rank: #44 (Top Favorites)
Who knew existentialism could be turned into such a riveting film? Well, my favorite acting part is between Isabelle Huppert/Talia Shire. Two great actresses going off on each other. Apparently actress Lily Tomlin went off on David O. Russell during filmmaking (look on Youtube). Too funny.